Dosing Session

Your path toward healing begins with creating a comfortable and safe environment to feel relaxed and ready to expand your mind and be ready for change.

Tracy Santomarco Psychotherapy | Woman wearing an eye mask listening to music during ketamine therapy

Let the journey begin

Items Checklist

Ketamine therapy sessions will require the purchase of several essentials to help facilitate your journey as instructed by your medical provider. You may also choose to enrich your setting by adding other items as suggested below.

 Please note you may already have some of those items at home and are encouraged to use them if you find them helpful to provide the most comforting environment for each session.


Ketamine tablets

Blood pressure cuff
(Therapist may bring)

 Eye mask

 Noise-canceling headphones

 Spit cup



 Timer (i.e. iPhone, Alexa)

Journal & Pen

Facial Tissue


Do Not Disturb Door Sign 

Anti-nausea medication

Water or flavored sports drink


Grounding Object

Sentimental Object


Weighted Blanket 

Tracy Santomarco Psychotherapy. Serene cabin in the mountains

Prep & Journey

Always follow dosing instructions from medical provider. This is an example of how a session might proceed.

Use bathroom

Begin online or in-person session with therapist

Connect with present moment with meditation, reading, or music

​Take blood pressure and write down (Must be under 160/90 with heartrate under 100 or do not proceed)

​Begin music

​Place ketamine tablet(s) under tongue. (Do not swallow. Swish periodically)

​Chaperone/Therapist will write down time taking medication and set timer

Chaperone/Therapist will instruct when to spit saliva in cup after time ends

Recline & secure eye mask

Begin journey & “Trust. Let go. Be open.”

For any emergency situations call 911 or go to ER, contact medical provider & therapist

​2nd Tablet or Booster

2nd or Booster tablet may be taken to deepen and extend journey as you feel it is needed (Do not swallow. Swish periodically)

​Chaperone/Therapist will write down time booster is taken and set timer

Chaperone/Therapist will instruct when to spit saliva in cup after time ends

​Continue on journey until you feel the medicine effects completely diminished and you have “landed”

Tracy Santomarco Psychotherapy. Oceanside sunset with waves rolling into rocky shoreline

Prepare your setting

Review ketamine instructions from medical provider

(No food for 4 hours prior, no water 1 hour before, prior medication interactions followed)

​Gather items from the checklist

Confirm chaperone or therapist

Create location with pillow & blanket, dim lighting, secure pets, Do Not Disturb sign on door

Select music playlist and connect headphones

Put phone on Do Not Disturb

Explore intention for journey

Tracy Santomarco Psychotherapy. Calm lake surrounded trees next to a mountain

Complete Journey

Chaperone/Therapist writes down time journey ends

Take blood pressure and write down results

Journal insights and experience

Eat & drink as needed

Engage in self care