Time to Journal 

Journal about your ketamine experience and include any insights, messages, visuals, bodily sensations, questions to ponder, etc. There is no need to label any insight as good or bad; allow the process to unfold, and the integration of the experience will happen as time progresses.

The first 48 hours after your dosing session is when your brain is the most neuroplastic or ready for change. Think of your mind as fertile ground...so how would you like to plant the seeds for growth? What can you do to enrich, expand, and explore what you can do to move toward connecting to the life you most envision for yourself?

Journal Prompts (Same Day)

What came up for you during the journey? Explore any visuals, sounds, bodily sensations.

How do you feel about what was revealed to you during the journey?

What is coming up for you after the journey?

What do you think your experience was trying to tell/show you?

How do you feel about what this new insight has shown you?

What are the things you can let go of that no longer serve you?

How can you create new habits to help make these new changes more lasting?

What are the action steps you can take to help create positive change for your life?

Did your anchoring statement/mantra help during your journey?

Did a new one emerge and become more connected to anchor your next journey?

Journal Prompts (Daily)

What is your intention statement for today?

​How will you use the insight you gained for your ketamine session to create change today?

​How do I want to feel today and why?

​What were the most challenging moments yesterday and how did I handle them differently?

​What moments brought me joy or made me feel more connected to my best self and why?