Infusion Session Prep
Your path toward healing begins with creating a comfortable and safe environment to feel relaxed and ready to expand your mind and be ready for change.
Let the journey begin
Items Checklist
On the day of your ketamine infusion, it is essential you review and follow the instructions from your medical provider. Additionally, please note the environment you create for your sessions can enhance your outcome by utilizing items to provide comfort during your journey. Explore the suggestions on the list and discover what may be of support.
The doctor will provide one for you but you may prefer to bring your own to ensure comfort. Click here for an option.
This is your listening device for your preselected music playlist. The clinic may have one but it is best to choose your own playlist in advance.
These types of headphones will provide best listening experience to immerse yourself in the music and elminate outside interruptions of noise from the clinic
It is important to write down or even or draw anything that may help you reflect upon your ketamine experience. Most often, the details will become difficult to remember with time much like awakening from a dream.
Holding an object that brings you comfort may help decrease anxiety (I.e. fidget item, stuffed animal, crystal, etc)
It may help to bring a photo, jewelry, or memento that could bring a sense of connection to something you might want to process in your journey
The doctor may provide one, but if you feel it would be of comfort you may also bring one of your own. Click here for an option.
Prepare for your Ketamine Infusion
Review ketamine instructions from medical provider
Gather items from the checklist
Confirm your ride to/from clinic
Select music playlist and test headphone connection
Explore intention for journey
Select short meditation, song, or reading to help create a sense of focus and connection to intention for healing
IV Ketamine Session
Review intention for session
Put phone on Do Not Disturb
Connect to your intention by listening to your meditation, song, or reading you selected
Engage with any selected items you may have brought with you for comfort
Begin infusion when feeling grounded, centered, and ready
Remind yourself of your anchoring statement… “Trust. Let go. Be open.”
Complete Ketamine Infusion
Journal insights and experience while awaiting to exit treatment room
Do not feel pressured to make sense of your experience with others until you feel ready
Do not make any major decisions for the remainder of the day
Engage in self-care